
We look through the keyhole

11. August 2022

The modern working world.

The modern working world is subject to constant change: We work standing up, sitting down, lying down, on roof terraces, in cafés, at airports and train stations. But what does the future of offices look like? Or has the classic office already had its day? We look through the keyhole at Satellite Office. Satellite Office is a pioneer in modern working environments. The high flexibility in renting offices and workplaces makes it possible to react very quickly to new forms of work in the constantly changing labor market. We’re excited to see what we can learn at Satellite Office!

We meet supervisors and employees of small and medium-sized businesses who use flexible offices and workstations at Satellite Office. Flexibility seems to be the key to the modern working world, as we learn at every turn in Satellite Office’s impressive workspace in Berlin. The labor market is empty of skilled workers, and the few employees that can be found need an attractive working environment – often also for project work in teams that are constantly being reassembled. Beautiful offices for small teams are especially in demand right now, in a work environment that always allows for new settings. At Satellite Office, for example, the number of desks in the team offices is often adjusted on a monthly basis – sometimes more people work on a project, sometimes fewer. Supervisors are also increasingly approving home offices a few days a week. Ideal in this combination is a perfectly equipped workplace at Satellite Office with ergonomic chairs, perfect daylight, height-adjustable desks and the tastiest coffee in the republic. A day in the workspace with colleagues quickly becomes the highlight of the working week.

And that’s how it seems to be, the modern working world: flexible, attractive and reflecting every form of work! We stay tuned.