
Coworking in “Bienisch

20. July 2022

Instead of blooming wildflower meadows, the small, industrious insects often find only concrete surfaces and rock gardens in our cities. Monotonous lawns provide neither nesting nor feeding opportunities. So that the bees can work in peace and with all their senses just like us, they will soon find the most fragrant and colorful workplaces in the city on our roof terraces;-)). In fact, we plant all the flower boxes with wildflowers. Native wildflowers are highly prized by honeybees. Every small area, however close to nature and rich in flowers, increases the food supply and habitat of bees. Our roof terraces can thus be experienced by humans and bees with all five senses – just like our offices.

Worldwide, and also here in Germany and Switzerland, a mysterious bee die-off is occurring. Yet a world without bees would be unthinkable for our biodiversity and ultimately for our survival. Bee mortality is a reflection of the state of our environment and society. Let’s learn sustainability and mindfulness a little bit more every day! Sustainability in dealing with bees on World Bee Day, is a great cause. But it is much more important to be sustainable and mindful with all resources of the environment and ultimately also our own resources.

As one of the leading providers of flexible working in Germany, we want to provide you with the best workplaces. Workplaces prepared for you with great care and attention. For us, this includes a mindful use of all resources. We are using today to make the abstract concept of sustainability tangible and understandable by means of bees. It is intended to illustrate the interdependencies between nature conservation, social responsibility and economic activity.

Why don’t you also pay special attention today, conserve your resources and take a long break on one of the beautiful rooftop terraces. Smell, feel, sense with all your senses! Bee happy…!